Memoir of Manipal...waa..bunyinye cm aku dh meniggalkan manipal je n pulang ke sebenarnye im still here,there is 4months left b4 going back to malaysia..actually entry kali ni ditujukan khas buat Dr Zaidi n his wife,Dr Leena..mereka berdua adalah doc ditempatku, family slalu la g klinik Dr Zaidi ni(Klinik Leena dan Zaidi)..nk dijadikan cerite,Dr Zaidi n his wife ni dlu pnah blaja kt manipal gak..both of them r x-KMC(Manipal campus) Dr Zaidi tau aku stdy kt manipal eventho different college,he sooo excited...die ckp,die sgtttt rindu kt manipal n nk tgk cmane manipal skrg..nk tgk manipal canteen,kedai jus,dullop n etc..adakah tempat2 ni still sm cm 10 thn lepas..aku sempatla amik a few photos of manipal,gmba kt tiger circle,interact,libry buat tatapan doc(xtau la still sm cm dlu2 o da berubah)..hihi..
Buat Dr Zaidi n Dr Leena,here i present u Memoir of manipal..hope u njoy it..hihi..nt sy add on ye if dpt new photos..kalo rindu2 manipal,dtgla...manipal da maju sket skrg..=) sy still kt cni till august..
Tiger Circle...(btw,jln tu br je diturap sebulan lepas..hehe)
Library ku..
End point waktu petang..
Fudkot(doc,dlu da ade lum tmpt i? )
Manipal at nite..gmba yg last tu kt dpn nehru hostel..
Suasana 5min b4 kol2..kt dpn main gate..we can see dissection hall( white buildg)
Gate to sonia n indira hostel..
kt dpn tagore hostel..
kt dpn interact(bangunan academic)
KMC Green..
MMMC main office(ICHS)
Da! mu kene tukar profession la. amik photographer=p
ReplyDeletetula..impian nk jd photographer xtercapai..terpakse amik medic..